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Questions tagged [editing]

This tag is used for questions about editing on Ask Ubuntu.

3 questions from the last 365 days
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-6 votes
1 answer

Edit queue seems permanently blocked

Many Ask Ubuntu posts are in dire need of editing for basic grammar and clarity. I have the time and the ability to do just that for free. Yet for some reason there is a limit to the daily edits. Why? ...
userene's user avatar
  • 282
1 vote
2 answers

"You have too many pending edits"

I know what this means, but it has been like that for about 24 hours. Only once one of my edits was acknowledged, and then this message again. Are there so many pending edits that people are not being ...
John Carter's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why can't we edit comments?

I posted a comment, and I can't edit it anymore. Why? We can edit questions, even after a while.
John Carter's user avatar