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Why does the tag `20.10` Even exist If it is off topic?

Why does the tags of the releases who have met there end life even exists for eg - 20.10 19.04 16.04 What are the point of still using these tags ? When all the questions about them are off topic , I ...
Error404's user avatar
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How do tag subscriptions work?

I know I can hover over a tag and click on subscribe. It then says I get an email. In the email it says I should confirm. When I click the link (<...
Sebastian Stark's user avatar
2 votes
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My favorite tags are empty [closed]

I am searching for unanswered questions on my favorite tags (mysql, lubuntu, virtualbox, and etc.) But all of them are empty (zero unanswered) is this right? Or I'm having some kind of trouble? ...
maniat1k's user avatar
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