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Best method to deal with one user copy/pasting/plagiarising another's answers

I found a user is copying an answer given to them (I mean word for word copy/paste, no changes or anything!) by another user as their own answer on two question less than ten minuets apart and I bet ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
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how to add code with comments in it? Such as "#some comment"?

I am trying to add code to an answer and have tried using the < code> tag. But every line that has a # becomes bold. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Example: a line of commenting with a #...
jmunsch's user avatar
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Understanding and its use in askubuntu

I have noticed in a number of answers to questions where the use of the (I think this is what I recall) is employed to assist with the installation of some Ubuntu package that may not ...
Kory Wnuk's user avatar
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