Infinite lists are strongly discouraged but there are exceptions and historical anomalies. We don't like them because answers are quality-ranked here and when you have an infinite list, merit goes out the window in favour of timing, formatting and general favour. There often isn't a single best answer and this makes it hard for people to get the wider answer they want.
I recently suggested a technique for asking list questions by basically having one question and one answer that anybody wanting to suggest an answer edited. Anything else would be deleted. This won't suit all list questions but it should allow some.
We need to formalise a technique for asking questions in this way but there are a couple of examples new-style list questions in the wild now:
I've honestly no idea if we can sustain them in the long run but this sort of question keeps raising its head again and again.
Is that or you limit the domain of the question to a point where there can only be a few answers, or where one might be more correct than the others. I cannot think of a good example at the moment.