Is there some documentation that tells exactly how you get reputation points on askubuntu? I have been here one day and I have 23 reputation points but I have no idea how I got them and I can not find any documentation on the site.


1 Answer 1


There is a recap of the points on your personal page: https://askubuntu.com/users/119046/user119046

It will lead to this part that shows it per answer per question: https://askubuntu.com/users/119046/user119046?tab=reputation

  • +15 / -2 7 hours ago 4 events How do symbolic links work in Dropbox?
  • +5 13 hours ago upvote Can you make nautilus ask for verification before deleting a file?
  • +2 13 hours ago accept New to Unity. 3 quick questions:
  • +2 13 hours ago accept Can you make nautilus ask for verification before deleting a file?

So 1 point has not been counted yet ;)

And here is an explanation for the points itself: https://askubuntu.com/faq#reputation

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