A while ago, I asked a question about something. An answer was provided by another user, and although it did help with my original problem, it created new problems that were discussed in comments. After a while, I ended up reinstalling the troubling software instead of trying to fix the installation (as mentioned in the comments to the answer).
I accepted the answer nonetheless, since it actually did help me with the problem I had to start with, and since I couldn't verify that the new problems were directly caused by the suggestions in the answer. Now, a month later, the user who authored the answer commented on my question, hinting that "an upvote for the answer you accepted would be appreciated :)"
Is this customary on askubuntu.com? The answer was awarded 15 rep since I accepted it - but does that mean that I should, by default, give it another 10 by upvoting it?
That is not how I have understood the voting customs on other SX sites, but since each site has its own community I guess things can be different on different sites. Personally, I think upvotes and accepting answers are two different things, and one should not necessarily imply the other.