Reading this answer I've realized that we don't have Google Code Prettify support on Ask Ubuntu like we have on Stack Overflow.
Since we agreed that we welcome Ubuntu development questions I think we should also have Google Code Prettify support.
Reading this answer I've realized that we don't have Google Code Prettify support on Ask Ubuntu like we have on Stack Overflow.
Since we agreed that we welcome Ubuntu development questions I think we should also have Google Code Prettify support.
It is done. :)
You have syntax highlighting enabled and moderators can configure the setting for individual tags from their respective tag wiki info pages. The default is "none".
For more info on the finer points of syntax highlighting, see here.
then it wouldn't be a problem. On Stack Overflow it infers the language based on the tags. We can have it set via<!-- language: lang-type -->
if we don't want to have single language tags on Ask Ubuntu.