There are presently over 2 300 questions tagged with software-recommendation at Ask Ubuntu. However, now and then questions are closed on the basis of this tag being off topic. As an example, Thomas W. recently closed this question claiming:
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because software recommendation is not typically on topic here, especially if you are looking for cross-platform solutions.
The question in question is similar to many others: a user seeking advice on which software may perform a particular task. Cross platform is also a common request in open questions with this tag.
The guidelines page does not reference directly software recommendations, but lists among the questions that may be asked:
- Running third-party applications on Ubuntu.
Finally a note on the Software Recommendations site. It graduated only days ago, and as far as I know, without fully meeting all criteria. My experience there so far has been rather negative, so much detail is required to post a question that it is often impractical. Most (if not all) of the questions tagged with software-recommendation at Ask Ubuntu would have been outright rejected at Software Recommendations.
I would prefer software-recommendation questions to remain on topic at Ask Ubuntu. Perhaps with additional guidelines in the About page.
Update: Questions tagged as software-recommendation are still showing up in the closure thread marked as off topic. Reviewers should continue paying special attention to this.