After a bit of fact finding back and forth in the comments about a fix-it question, the site will now display something like:
Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would you like to automatically move this discussion to chat?
in the comments. Part of it is bolded, and the auto move portion is linked to an action. While nifty, and obviously took some work to write, is it more likely to be used than to annoy? It does stand out and is distracting. I wonder...
First, there is a bug in that there is no way to answer "no thanks, I'd rather not." Or how about, "No, I'd rather not. This discussion clarifies the question being asked." linked to a script that pulls the faux comment containing the hint and autochat link. Or even a little X box to dismiss it, and a counter somewhere for the admins so they can see how well this policy works.
Second, there are probably people chatting already. Does this flood their conversation with my concerns? Similarly, will other people auto-moving discussions in comments to chat be mixed in with the one on my question? Are all these separate chat rooms.
Third, are people following my specific question going to know to look in the chat for the clarifying discussion? What will they find there? Will they find others' chatter as well? Or is each questioner expected to continuously refine and copy-edit the question instead of leaving the clarification where immediately interested parties are reading? While this might be an ideal, it is not practice, nor is it a practical price to pay. Most questioners just want an answer and have no interest (or time to donate) towards leaving the Q&A database in shape for future generations. Most choosing to answer probably want some combination of learning by doing, social technical interaction in down time, helping people, advertising expertise, or collecting the points.
Fourth, if the idea is that all this chatter in comments harms the Q&A database making it unsuitable for future generations of questioners, then is it more or less harmful to have questions with the wrong answer because all the clarifying remarks occurred in volatile chat, which is now gone, and the questioner never changed the title? Because you can get more of those if more is moved to chat....