I have posted an answer to a question and linked to my own method for solving it on Ubuntu Forums. The OP has subsequently commented that it does not work for his laptop.
Should I delete my answer or leave it?
I have posted an answer to a question and linked to my own method for solving it on Ubuntu Forums. The OP has subsequently commented that it does not work for his laptop.
Should I delete my answer or leave it?
It may solve someone else's related problem, so leave it.
Link-only answers are not welcome here. Please post at least a summary of the steps involved.
My opinion would be no. As a general rule:
It might solve another's issue.
It also might be part of a process of elimination in identifying the solution to an issue.
The record of it having been attempted and not being the answer might streamline future problem-solving of the same/similar issues.
Also there is the social context as well: it is positive for the community to have a history of people working together to solve issues.
I'm in agreement with Deleuze on this.
Quite often I find that the responses to my questions give enough extra information to develop the solution myself.
In these instances I upvote the helpfull answer(s), and make a comment of what did / didn't work in my case.
then I will 'answer my own question' and attempt to put a complete answer where I can.
Better still if there is one particular answer that helped I would make a comment for the author to add in the additions / modification for my solution, so as I can accept it as the answer.
I guess it is a different problem if you answer is being heavily downvoted, especially if it is being done so without any comments. I always attempt to 'not downvote' but would prefer to put in a comment as to why I think that the answer is bad / wrong / dangerous. Giving the author time to modify the question if he so desires.
I actually have a question (somewhere) which was downvoted, and the initial comment was not helpful as to why the commenter thought it was a bad question. I modified the question, but he refused to say if I had made the question better / more acceptable or not