I have seen that sometimes, users with a relatively high reputation get a large number of upvotes on simplest of the simplest answers. However, the answer will not have so much value that it shows a lot of research (of course, not to forget, it may not be really necessary for high research, may be because of the type of question itself).
But, very good quality answers, with lot of research get hardly one or two upvotes, just because they are from low rep users. May be the question is of interest only to the OP and the person answering, but if it is of enough research, shouldn't it be upvoted?
Do other high rep users(in the sense with review privileges) upvote on answers of very good quality that they come across, irrespective of the answering person's rep? Or is there any valid reason behind this?
I'm sorry if it sounded a bit harsh, just wanted to know why this happens. You know it takes a lot of time(when you don't have much) and effort to build rep when you are at the lower level with the limited privileges, than when you are above the threshold...