In re my answer in:
UEFI or Legacy? Which is advised and why?
Another user commented that if I had a new question, I should ask it. I did not have a new question. I was attempting to provide some mildly useful info (user used legacy boot, wanted to know if uefi would give him a flawless system, and I reported that mine was). Then a mod deleted the answer.
I can see a case for deleting the answer on grounds of "Does not answer the question" since I didn't use the two things he was worried about (although I now recall that I had another uefi-booted lenovo laptop whose microphone worked fine). If that was the reason, fair enough. But I suspect that the one user thought there was another question in the answer, and the mod didn't actually check that. If so, shouldn't it be restored?
May not be worth doing b/c others have provided better answers than I did.