Services provided by Ubuntu and Canonical
I think when this line was added, the thinking was that services like Launchpad, the Ubuntu package index, Ubuntu manpage repository, Ubuntu pastebin, etc. (which I'd say are part of the Ubuntu ecosystem) would become on-topic in that users could ask other users for help in using these services. And that remains true.
However, we never could actually do anything to fix problems that arose with these services (except in so far as that we could submit patches to the public source code of the manpage repository and things like that). So if someone posted a question about getting an HTTP error on doing a normal thing on LP, what's the point of doing that on AU? Those should be closed and the asker should raise a bug report.
In that spirit, I'd think questions on how to use Ubuntu Pro (or Ubuntu Advantage or whatever it is called) would be on topic. But that's about it. If users run into problems, realistically there's not much we can do to help.
More to the point, this service is in beta. I think that label carries with it the expectation and understanding that there will be problems, problems that should be reported to the developers who can fix them. I think this is one of those cases and I would vote to close it in that respect. OP has followed the instructions given in the website, the error message talks about a package that does not exist in, so whatever it is looks like a problem that only Canonical can fix. Hence this should be reported as a bug, or if a support contract is available, raised as a support ticket.