Every now and then we run into either comments or answers like below:
"Just installed Ubuntu 16.10, and now I am in the login loop. I can use ctrl alt f3 to open the console, but dunno what kind of command would fix this. Can you please help me?"
"As I told you before, install Lubuntu instead and do not install Nvidia drivers."
Then in this case OP replied:
"Ok, I will install lubuntu instead."
I must say this hurts my eyes.
We see all kinds of varieties:
- "Install Nemo instead of nautilus"
- "Use Mint instead"
- "Switch to Gnome, Unity is no good"
But also the advice to reinstall either the whole thing ,or sections, is not rarely given as a cheap shot (rarely working because local settings or other local issues won't change), instead of solving the problem.
We cannot know everything, I don't for sure. That's why it is a good thing we have all kinds of specialists on the site on specific subjects. If you don't know a solution, please don't throw the first thing that pops up in your mind, but simply let others do the job.
As pointed out by @Zacharee, the used example turns out to have a slightly different context/history than it seemed at the moment I wrote this post. The point remains however, and I doubt if a login loop has anything to do with an outdated graphics card. Ubuntu runs just fine on my 13 years old low budget laptop.