I am glad to see this question come up. I have the same thing happening in a couple of questions I have posted. Mine was marked duplicate and though it seemed by part of the content to be the same, the question asked was about a different function of the operating system, not covered by the first which was said to be duplicated.
The same thing happened here, in this post:
Could comments be allowed from 20+Could comments be allowed from 20+
I am not forthcoming of this before now because some of the argument for marking mine duplicate was a non-argument. I do not understand an answer to a question is that the question has been asked before, nor because "they say so". That, "argument from authority" which was used is illogical. Argumentum ab auctoritate), Mi question was given in hope that spekaing from authority would cause an improvement in communication between those with little computing skill and large intelligence and feeling.
I would like to mention that the reason this question was answered in the first place is because of the need for me to address subjects in a proper Answer and not in a simple comment. This was never addressed. The same occurs in thisthis question.