I start writing a comment... then I might move to another window to do something... time passes... I do many things in many windows... Then I come back to complete my askubuntu comment... and it has been posted (and I'm not the one who posted it!)
This is becoming a chronic problem... Some of these un-edited comments are definitely not ready for general viewing... and I can't re-edit them because of the comment-edit timeout (which I don't quite know the details of yet)...
Has anyone else experienced this? ...
I've noticed that some Compizgeneral settings interact badly with some aspects of other programs.
eg. When Compiz'sAssistive Technologies "Highlight MouseMouse Locate Pointer by pressing CtrL" is enabled, it prevents me from using Ctrl+C to copy a file namefilename when in "Nautilus filename-Rename (F2)*
... maybe it is something along this line?