Ask Ubuntu, as any other site in the Stack Exchange sites network, works with the help of a rating system. Sometimes itsit's hard for people to understand the importance of a single vote but votes are the base for the site and in truth what makes it work.
Up and down voting has huge consequences on they way people view posts, it sorts users and improve the overall quality of the site. We should all be supplying votes as a first triage method for posts and that helps out the site sort out questions and helps editors focus more in great content or to transform really bad posts in tointo acceptable ones.
What I am looking for are the community's viewpointviewpoints on the above
These questions are all over, if you look at the front page mainly 40% will fall in tointo any of these categories.
At the moment Ask Ubuntu is going thru a massive clean upcleanup effort that is working brilliantly, I cannot say more thanks to all users involved and praise the involvement of the site's moderators on that, but we can do it better and we can start earlier.
A bad question that is not fixed or updated by the user that gets down voteddownvoted will vanish from the site after some time and from what I can see in the flagged questions on the moderatorsmoderators' queue you see a lot of questions that if simply down voted a long time ago would not be there in the first place.
Start cleaning now, if it cannot be edited and fixed within reasonable parameters, if it does not belong here, if it shows low effort to create or no effort to supply information, if itsit's very confusing in a way that you cannot figure out what is being asked or what the user wants, down votedownvote it.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I agree with revenge or competition down voting, that is just silly and will get you in tointo trouble sooner than latterlater.
It is important and easy to do so. What everWhatever you read on the site, rank it!
###No one should care that much for reputation anywaysanyway
Reputation gives you privileges around the site. It shows how much you are trusted. That is all. Does not make you a better person, does not make you less or more important. If your name is on a list and the person right bellowbelow you gave a good answer the fact that if you up voteupvote that content from him will make you drop a place should never be the reason not to vote!
Don't worry about giving reputation away, worry about your content, other people's content and keep up votingupvoting good content, it will come back, be patient, this is not a race.