How do we feel about requests for learning materials? Questions like "Where can I find a good tutorial on foo?" or "Is there a book for learning bar?" or "Can you suggest an online course on baz?" etc. I feel that such questions are not a good fit for the site because:
They are not about a problem. The SE network specializes in giving specific solutions to specific problems, this type of question is either "too broad" or "opinion based".
Any answers given will become obsolete very quickly as the courses change, links die, the institutions or individuals giving the courses update or change them etc etc. Answering this kind of question seems to invite link rot.
The only exception I would allow to this is requests for official documentation. Things like "Where can I find the POSIX specs for command foo?" or "Where is the official Ubutu documentation on bar?". These are canonical resources that can be hard to find and, more importantly, they are questions that have a single correct answer and do not invite discussion.
So, what do we feel about this here? If we agree that such questions are not a good fit for the site, I suggest we make that explicit in our Help Center. On Unix & Linux we have added this paragraph to the on-topicon-topic page:
Please note that requests for learning materials (tutorials, how-tos etc.) are off topic. The only exception is questions about where to find official documentation (e.g. POSIX specifications).
The link above is to the equivalent meta post on the meta.U&L, if we agree that something similar should be added here, this post could serve the same purpose. So, how do we feel about such questions and should they be mentioned in the help pages?