Missing tags, will someone with a reputation >= 300 create tags for pyRenamer and Krename
If I can remember or get them.
Missing tags, will someone with a reputation >= 300 create tags for pyRenamer and Krename
There were several questions on batch renaming, in which the rename tag was not sufficient. In these questions, Krename and pyRenamer were the recommends. I wanted to edit and add a batch rename tag - but can't do to my rep limitations. Tags referring to batch renaming would be helpful. So if not, Krename or pyRename - specific to the packages, then a general rename (F2) and rename-batch.
How to defend against negative incorrect votes
The problem, I've experienced, downvotes occur on disliked opinions. These negatives effects badge achievement, discouraging community involvement. Negative votes would be fine - if they were just opinion and did not have a negative impact on community involvement (badges).