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Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
Jacob Vlijm
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Should an answer be literally what OP asks for?
@Velkan I kind of agree, but that is mostly the task dupes should fullfill. We should have at least one Q with the correct naming and such. Not sure we are still talking about this question though :).
Should an answer be literally what OP asks for?
@Velkan not sure what you are suggesting. Use incorrect title/body keywords? How would "script to open an application" be a good search definition to anyone looking for an advanced launcher?
Should an answer be literally what OP asks for?
@Velkan ...unless OP was actually looking for a solution to issue X, but due to being inexperienced, made the question more specific than it should be. Editing the question + title is then the good thing to do unless it makes one or more answers look silly. Don't think that is the case here.
Should an answer be literally what OP asks for?
Ah, ok, English is a complicated language, I got the impression that was the impression you got (points). Don't have an issue with random downvotes, but as said, got a few for reasons of not posting what OP literally asked for. A bit less random then.
Should an answer be literally what OP asks for?
"...but everyone is free to vote as they like. ... There's nothing new here." <- of course, but also there is nothing inappropriate in discussing here what an answer should or should not be, nor mention what my opinion is on that. Also nothing new in that. I can't make it clear enough: It is not about the two points. In a relatively short period of time, seeing a few of these "not literally what OP asked for" -votes, hence the post.
Should an answer be literally what OP asks for?
@Arronical Excellen suggestion!
Should an answer be literally what OP asks for?
@LeonidMew Thanks! probably good to mention that IMO there is absolutely nothing wrong with the other answer. This post is just about downvoting answers that do solve the issue, but in another way than OP imagined.
Are we too fast in closing questions as unclear?
@DKBose Think it is important to decide if a question is crap, or your (/my) knowledge might be insufficient. If you are not sure, don't vote, let others decide.
Are we too fast in closing questions as unclear?
@DKBose I understand what you mean, but the great misconception is that if I don't understand a question, the question should be unclear. There is the combination of my knowledge and the knowledge it takes to answer the question. There are many questions which I don't understand, but are very well answerable. I might not understand what is asked, but that is a gap in my experience. All the info was in the question. Even the name of the application. I see many, many close votes on totally clear questions, simply because reviewers assum if they don't understand, the question is unclear.
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