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TrailRider's user avatar
TrailRider's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • United States
Suggestion on merging these two questions
Thanks, I was not trying to discuss CLI vs GUI, I was only trying to explain my reasoning in why I thought the question should be merged, and as that was a major part of my reasoning, I was expanding on it a little. Thanks for the link to the questions however, it contained some interesting info.
Suggested Edit notifications not being sent in a timely manner?
ok thank you I will keep that in mind and will update the question if/when it happens again.
Is there a way to prevent an unanswered question to sink into oblivion?
@RobertVila it will not appear in "newest question" it will be bumped to the top of the tab of "active" however
Is there a way to prevent an unanswered question to sink into oblivion?
@RobertVila if your question is editied by another user and is changed too much you can do 2 things, 1. Re-edit the question yourself using the existing edit as a guide to make the question better. or 2. If the question has been so changed you can "rollback" the edit to the original question in 2 click. Just click on the edited "X mins ago" link and then you can use the rollback button to go back to the original question or to whichever edit is best.
When are "you can do this different thing instead" answers considered good?
thanks for asking Eliah, I have been wondering the same thing. Great to have an answer, and, the great detail of your question made the answer easy to understand and completely unambiguous.
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