Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
@RolandiXor actually all comments are still showing here.
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
@anonymous2 I think your edit is perfectly fine. Maybe also xymon-client could have been made
but italic text is still acceptable IMHO.
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
@Videonauth nice. :D This is the Chrome version and there is also a user-script available here.
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
Very good point. Unfortunately Markdown does not have a shortcut for this, so we need to rely on a probably not very famous HTML tag.
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
I agree with you. I don't think I said to avoid bolding in extremis, I think I sad to avoid overusing it. Your suggestion seems quite appropriate and it represents using bold text sparingly, so +1. However, multiple lines bold text is the worst thing. If you make so much text bold that you can read only that, it is probably too much.
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
@ParanoidPanda thanks for fixing my grammar! I'd like your opinion on the things you disagree with. :)
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
Ah right, I forgot I also sometimes find suggested edits polluted by overused HTML tags. :D The easiest way is actually using the {} toolbar button after selecting the code. :)
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
«Code blocks should only be used for stuff people might copy and paste somewhere, or to read shell output and errors» Yes, agreed, that's exactly what is written in my Q as well. «reject and edit is your friend» The point of the Q is that it would be much easier if suggested edits were formatted properly in the first place. One would hope that the majority of edits could be approved even without editing.
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
By the way, it would be nice and beneficial for all of us if the people who downvoted the question could also share their opinions on the topic. If we don't know why you disagree with formatting posts in a way accepted by consensus, how can we listen to your point of view?
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
fixed formatting :P
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
added related link
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
I didn't found that link before, thank you for pointing that out. I will post it at the top of my Q.
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
By the way I totally forgot about the useless tags, especially version tags. Would you mind posting that as an answer?
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
«you will never get every one to agree on guidelines» You misunderstood the post. I am not forcing these specific suggestions as law. This Q has been opened to come up to guidelines together. «they are mostly your subjective opinion» Actually they are based on the semantics of different Markdown blocks (or HTML tags) and typographic conventions used in the western world as documented in many books about type and graphic design.
Let's agree on some commonly accepted formatting guidelines
Menu entries are not code. Do you type
File > Edit
somewhere? Maybe the HUD... :D But seriously, those are things you click on. Italics are semantically made for emphasis. That's what they have been used for since people invented them here a few centuries ago. ;)
Why did the "community" user reject my edits?
@AndroidDev It's very nice that you take the time to improve posts but please do not do that for the sake of getting points and wanting to get edits without approval. E.g. in the first edit there was absolutely no need to turn the computers spec in some kind of code block. That is not code at all.