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Eliah Kagan's user avatar
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
Eliah Kagan
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

How to find posts with html tags like <code>

3 votes

How can a new user escalate an old unanswered question?

3 votes

Should reputation be reduced over time, when a user is inactive?

3 votes

How to see questions' / answers' revisions history?

3 votes

Edits that combine answers

3 votes

What do you do when all answers to your question brings you back to where you first started?

3 votes

Why is there a Custom Distributions tag?

3 votes

questions strangely voted as "too broad"

3 votes

How do we differentiate between 12.04 and 12.04.5?

3 votes

Why do people edit in (usually pointless) bold and italics to questions?

3 votes

Blocking questions about Wubi?

3 votes

Lots of "Closed as off-topic because it seemingly went away" close votes

3 votes

Is there a script (or some means) to detect a rapid response?

3 votes

Why close an answered question?

3 votes

Privileges Issue

3 votes

How to review questions marked 'solved' or where user adds answer to question body?

3 votes

Is it proper to downvote a question that describes a bug?

3 votes

Tag creation request: [hybrid-efi]

3 votes

Over use of "My computer boots to a black screen, what options do I have to fix it?"

3 votes

Isn't posting the same questions & answers without referral on a different website, illegal?

3 votes

Why comment "This is an English only site"?

3 votes

Would modifying privileges help minimize spam?

3 votes

Shouldn't the change of user name be signalled to all people who posted in relation to the former name?

3 votes

Can we get an support for autolinking ppas?

3 votes

Are half-Minty questions allowed?

2 votes

Please don't correct commands in questions unless you are sure the mistake is not the source of the problem

2 votes

Better notifications for users when moderators do things

2 votes

How can I bump a question if I already have all the information and can't bounty?

2 votes

Merging questions about deduplication of files and folders?

2 votes

So, what will be the Final Destiny (4?) of this licensing question?