I'm passionate about coding and researching the history of technology as well as exploring where technology is leading.
I have a wide variety of experience from Commercial Flight Simulation, Military Contracting, Telecommunications, as well as regularly contributing to the Open Source Software ecosystem for a number of years. I have specialized in dancing the line between Hardware (ex IO, Low-voltage signaling, telecom) and Software (ex networking, parsing, desktop dev, web dev).
Author of jQuery-CSV, the first of the RFC-compliant CSV parsers for Javascript with 500K+ downloads over 5 years.
Projects I've worked on:
- SharpPcap/Packet.Net (Contibutor) - A C# wrapper and parsing framework for winpcap/libpcap for network packet capturing.
- pypreprocessor (Author) - A python-only preprocessor that uses c-style preprocessor directives.
- jQuery-csv (Author) - A jQuery to parse CSV files to javascript code.
- node-ftpsync (Author) - Intelligent file syncronization over FTP
- grunt-ftpsync (Author) - A grunt wrapper for node-ftpsync
- sublime-text-seed (Author) - Cross-platform starter for Sublime Test dev
- angular2-snippets (Author) - Sublime text snippets for Angular 4+
- angular-es6-seed (Author) - Angular 4+ starter using ES6
- ng2-markdown (Author) - An Angular 4+ web component
I've done everything from designing websites to parsing ARINC-424 data from binary. It doesn't really matter to me. I enjoy the challenge even if that means spending hours digging through technical specifications.
Lately I've been playing with Node.js and Angular to do some interesting things.
I keep coming back to Stack Overflow because it keeps reminding me of how little I know about software development. What interests me about software development is the potential for improvement as platforms continue to develop and stabilize. I thrive in environments riddled with chaos because those are the places where there is the most potential for improvement and creativity.
× 9Sep 11, 2022
AutobiographerFeb 16, 2011
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