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matv1's user avatar
matv1's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Netherlands
Is it okay to ask for confirmation of a suspected bug?
The practical reason in this case I thought of putting a line in the water on AU is because 1) I will be hitting a much larger target audience (compared to irc or AU chat). 2) The suspected bug does not require intricate configs by other users. I just want a bunch of ppl saying yes I see that happening. Still, this is now a genuine meta discussion as I am atm preparing to submit the bug. Still like to hear if my comment changed anyones mind :)
Is it okay to ask for confirmation of a suspected bug?
mhm I agree with the supplied anwers in themselves. But they are anwering my question with the assumption that we know for a fact that it's a bug. The definition Braiam supplies is limited to that. That wasn't my question exactly: I want to find out whether we are (with reasonable certainty) dealing with a bug or not. If I get a yes on that, sure I will do an LP submit. And with that, the process of bug tracking starts.