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Thomas Ward's user avatar
Thomas Ward's user avatar
Thomas Ward's user avatar
Thomas Ward
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

What is happening to AskUbuntu main site?

5 votes

Why does my question get locked by on Askubuntu? No apparant reason other than a bully moderator

6 votes

Can we have an integrated filter to detect AI generated content?

2 votes

Can one use a passkey to log into Ask Ubuntu?

6 votes

Is there a chatroom or a place where we can send our problems about 24.04?

3 votes

What action should be done to questions in different language

3 votes

Wonder why I got downvoted?

0 votes

Why has my upvoted answer about xz been silently deleted?

5 votes

Why can't we edit comments?

6 votes

Add option to close vote because it is an XY problem?

5 votes

Can we limit searches by date?

1 vote

Getting asked for two-step verification code, but I'm not getting notification on my phone or email

6 votes

Can we remove the [ubuntu22.04] tag?

1 vote

My recent unanswered question needs a rewrite - should I leave old one, edit old one, or something else?

3 votes

create account with my stackoverflow credentials

1 vote

How to detect AI-generated answers?

9 votes

I've been banned from reviewing for some strange reason

4 votes

Are Ubuntu Pro support questions off-topic?

8 votes

New user promoting a single service - (subtle) spam?

6 votes

What do we do with these 5 questions about Software Center from today?

3 votes

Spontaneous Reputation Loss

5 votes

Advice requested for a question closed as a duplicate

7 votes

Why does the tag `20.10` Even exist If it is off topic?

19 votes

How long do we support Ubuntu flavors?

12 votes

Is Ask Ubuntu sponsored by Canonical?

4 votes

Why questions are no longer accepted from my account? Why am I getting "You have reached your question limit" while trying to post a new question?

3 votes

UbuntuOnAir: "Ask AskUbuntu"

3 votes

UbuntuOnAir: "Ask AskUbuntu"

8 votes

What are the meanings of EoSS, LTS, ESM and EoL?

4 votes

How can I ask others to verify a bug report I have filed?

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