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Unanswered Questions

38 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
0 answers

Tag Synonym Request: [armv8] [aarch64] -> [arm64]

I would like to request that the following tags: armv8 aarch64 be made synonyms of: arm64 The official name for the technology in question would by either ARMv8 (with the 64-bit platform being ...
5 votes
0 answers

Tag Synonym Request: Dell Tags

Right now, we have dell (1643), dell-vostro (60), dell-mini-10 (17), dell-studio-xps-16 (10) and dell-mini-9 (8). Since those tags, except for the dell tag, barely have any questions, it doesn't ...
5 votes
0 answers

Should the overlay or tooltip text for voting arrows be changed?

Right now, the text that pops up when you hover the pointer over the voting arrows is identical to the main site, like this: Problem is, the text that pops up when you hover over the vote ...
4 votes
0 answers

Meta tag-synonym request: [tags]->[tagging]

While tag is synonymed to tagging, tags is not synonymed yet. Could tags be synonymed to tagging?
3 votes
0 answers

Make 18.04 and bionic synonym

When I add tags to the question and type xenial, it suggests me to add 16.04 but when I type bionic, no suggestion is given.
3 votes
0 answers

Meta Review section should have link back to main Review section

In the main review section on the main site there is such a link: But nothing of the sort to link back on the Meta site in the Review section, I think there should be.
3 votes
0 answers

Tag synonym request: [persistent] to [persistence]

Remap persistent to persistence Both deal with persistence issues on Live USB. While persistent has more posts I propose to make persistence (or persistance??) the main tag anyhow. Suggestion for a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Should [edits] and [editing] be tag synonyms on meta?

I think the edits and editing should be the same (on Meta). I guess there is a small difference (one being the action and one being the edit itself). But the tags are used interchangeably, so I think ...
2 votes
0 answers

Merge [picasa] into [google-picasa]

There are two tags for Picasa by Google, there should be one, preferably [google-picasa], since people interested in all sorts of Google software can follow them easily using [google*].
2 votes
0 answers

The plethora of power management tags - what to do?

We have a large number of power management related tags: power-management suspend standby hibernate There is also tag shutdown which is used in conjunction with power management but should be ...
2 votes
0 answers

Tag synonym request: [preferences] -> [settings]

I think settings and preferences should be synonyms. "Settings" is a more general term that applies to driver settings, program settings, system settings, etc. "Preferences" is a term that usually ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can we remove the synonym link between tags ‘appmenu’ and ‘applications-menu’?

The appmenu tag is for the global application menu AKA appmenu-indicator, that allows screen real estate to be conserved in desktop environments (DE's, AKA ‘graphical shells’) that support it. The ...
1 vote
0 answers

Tag synonym request: duplicate -> [duplicate-files]

duplicate's wiki says: Two or more files that exactly same. ... which is pretty much what duplicate-files says right in the name. Either way would do, but one of them must go. Aside: Ah. We can't ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a limit to the amount of questions you can ask on Meta in a specific time period?

On the main site you can ask a maximum of 6 questions in a 24-hour period, and in a 30 day period, you have a maximum of 50 questions, I do not know if there are any other limits for years etc, but I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Tag synonym request: [window-placement] -> [window-managment]

The two tags window-placement and window-management are essentially synonyms. Since it has only been used 7 times, window-placement should probably be deleted, especially since the description for ...

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