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Unanswered Questions

342 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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0 answers

Review "test question" is loaded

Recently during processing the review queue for "first posts" I was presented an answer for this question for review The answer was obviously poorly formed, at least in the explanation sense, however ...
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0 answers

Rename unity [component] tags to [unity-component] to prevent confusion with gnome components

Well, now GNOME and Unity has some shared names with certain parts of the UI, namely the "launcher" and the "dash". There is already a tag for the unity dash and the unity launcher that are being ...
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0 answers

Why do chat posts appear twice at times?

Sometimes when I type in chat and post, it appears twice! Why does this happen? (Another user told me it is due to my slow internet connection. But can somebody elaborate and confirm it?) Also if the ...
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0 answers

Tags for "Ubuntu installed over my Windows partition, how do I recover it?" type questions

There are many questions of the form "Ubuntu installed over my (Windows) partition, how do I recover it?". Most are already tagged as some combination of "data-recovery" and/or "system-installation" ...
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0 answers

Anyone finds [clock] useful?

First of all, the clock tag has 0 followers so I'm sure nobody will miss it. Now, the usage of the tag is totally alien to me, it seems to be used for anything related to any kind of clock or time: ...
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0 answers

Place to ask questions about hosting an Ubuntu 14.04 release party?

My company is interested in hosting an Ubuntu 14.04 release party. Googling really has not revealed any solid info on how to go about doing that (save for the list of LoCos hosting them here). Is ...
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0 answers

Do we need canonical question for "trying to overwrite file which is also in package"?

I found a lot of duplicates by this query. There are many possible solutions shown but they are mostly incomplete and do not show the right way which will work in all situations. I think we need one ...
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0 answers

Should the wiki of the EOL tag be edited to notify users that their questions will be closed?

Should we add a notice to the tags wiki of those who have reached eol in bold, saying that if you're asking about this distro your question is likely to be closed because we don't answer such ...
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0 answers

Start closing "I can't see partitions while installing" questions

I have seen a lot (really tons of them) questions regarding "I can't see [Windows] partitions while installing Ubuntu". A common property between all of them is that almost none of them has close ...
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0 answers

How should shopping recommendations be flagged?

See title, essentially. Currently there isn't an explicit option on the flag menu to flag as "Off-topic -> Shopping recommendation", despite it being listed as an off-topic category in the Help Centre....
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Tag merge request: accounts and users

We have two tags: users - For questions related to users, user accounts, user permissions or guest accounts. accounts - Questions that relate to an area (or home directory), in which a user can store ...
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Tag merge request: log and logging

The following tags need merging together: log logging These tags are both being used for questions about logging.
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Discussion about deleting old unanswered questions of end life releases

Is it better to delete the questions that are old and with no answers which belong to end life releases?
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How to tag questions asking for drivers?

History. As part of making the tags useful and somewhat rational, I've found myself in a problem with the questions that asks how to install certain drivers. The problem is that they have tried ...
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0 answers

Where are the canonical question for installing Ubuntu in a Apple hardware (macintosh)?

Seriously, I've found too many answers (contradictory or being exactly the same or just link-only answers) about this and none seems to be 100% precise in what needs to be done to complete the task. ...

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