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Unanswered Questions

139 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
0 answers

Merge [meta:down-votes] and [meta:downvoting]

Here on meta, we have two tags regarding downvotes down-votes and downvoting. Can we merge them into one? Currently down-votes has 8 questions and downvoting has 63 questions. In my opinion, though, ...
7 votes
0 answers

Stack Exchange special links in answers

I've noticed that such quick links as [] for example work beautifully when posted as comments and when posted in Ask Ubuntu General chat room, but as you can see they don't work in question ...
7 votes
0 answers

Add a feature for similarity comparison

It'd be nice if answers which are an exact copy of an existing (possibly upvoted) answer or contain large substring of such an answer and few own text - which should be a comment on the copied answer -...
7 votes
0 answers

'livedvd' should be a synonym for 'live-cd'

livedvd: a CD or DVD containing a bootable computer operating system. live-cd: Questions related to live CDs, which allow you to test drive Ubuntu without installing it. I'd suggest to have ...
7 votes
0 answers

Mobile-friendly version of review page?

The main Ask Ubuntu page works great with my brand-name-smartphone and I'd love to see the functionality of the site extended by making the review page ( also mobile-friendly. ...
7 votes
0 answers

Is it really useful to feed posts already edited into the review "first posts" queue?

I have been presented with posts in the first posts queue which have already been edited by high rep users (who should know what they are doing :-)). That is no big problem but seeing that this queue ...
7 votes
0 answers

Why can't I VTC this as duplicate? It has an upvoted+accepted answer

Look at this question. I bumped into it using the Review Queue for Close Votes. I agree with the proposed duplicate, but I am unable to vote-to-close it: The error This question does not have an ...
7 votes
0 answers

Synonimization of singular/plural tag pairs

There are a few [foo]/[foos] tag pairs on Ask Ubuntu. Such tag pairs are usually the singular and plural of the same word and should be synonyms. Occasionally. Only moderators can create [foos] when [...
7 votes
0 answers

Why does Ask Ubuntu need a Captcha even from mobile users?

I am using my mobile phone to access Ask Ubuntu with Opera mini and it works with Ask Ubuntu mobile version but while posting answers it redirects me to the full website to enter a Captcha. Why is ...
7 votes
0 answers

Show asker AND editor

This is a suggestion: when we have the list of questions on screen, we can see below each of them the name of the asker, unless it has been editted by someone, situation in which we can read the name ...
7 votes
0 answers

Little Bug with layer order on askubuntu

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but i recently found a little rendering bug on this site. It's a problem of the z-index and the order of layers. Note: the red notification box was ...
6 votes
0 answers

Feature request: Two step verification

Securing our digital accounts is a very important thing to do to be safe in the Internet. Having a strong password is just the start in my opinion. Two-step verification is a very important tool to ...
6 votes
0 answers

No first post reviews for 13 hours?

I was reading this Meta question about a lack of first post reviews on multiple sites. It got my curiosity, so I went to the first post review queue and noticed there had not been a review in the ...
6 votes
0 answers

Nothing to review? What gives?

This UTC morning I looked at the reviews page and saw about 100 Close Votes to review and nothing else. Thinking this was slightly odd, I nonetheless reviewed 20 close-voted questions in the queue, ...
6 votes
0 answers

Please reopen sshuttle question 935144

My original question posted at Can I use expose remote server ports via sshuttle? was a bit confused and made a half-attempt at answering itself. I've made it simpler so that it can be re-opened. And ...

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