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Unanswered Questions

329 questions with no answers
2 votes
0 answers

How to get same OpenID URL at Launchpad and StackExchange?

My usual nicks of don-quixote, quixote and donquixote were already in use at Launchpad when I registered there, so I registered as mdcrawford, my real name. At all the StackExchange sites - which ...
1 vote
0 answers

Clear unread inbox messages

I could not find the right area to post this, but I could use some help. I try to answer all my inbox messages, but it is now impossible. Is there a way to mark them all as read with just a few clicks?...
1 vote
0 answers

Should unclear questions with accepted (or plausible) answers be marked for closing?

When a question is unclear or missing key elements that might lead to an answer — such as versions, logs, and whatnot — it should be flagged for closure. To the best of my knowledge this is for two ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why was my grammar edit rolled back?

I fixed an obvious grammar mistake in a post. The author rolled it back to the incorrect version. I thought grammar edits were encouraged since they improve the post even if in a small way. Why would ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is [tag:bash-history] a synonym for [tag:history]?

bash-history Refers to the history of commands that have been run previously in Bash. history The history command can be used to retrieve commands you have previously typed in a shell. I think ...
1 vote
0 answers

Would it be helpful it I posted a Q/A to server management

I have noticed a general tendency here for new server admins to want to install a desktop on his or her server and then forward part or more often the entire desktop over ssh or VNC server. I am of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Should bounties expire? How can I promote my bountied question even more?

Why are bounties time bound? Clearly the site doesn't get enough traffic to ensure that in 7 days the appropriate users (who specialize in the domain of the question) would have stopped by Ask Ubuntu ...
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0 answers

Where should I put CoyoteBot?

Recently I made a fork of WolfBot called CoyoteBot. While I know Kaz asked a similar question here, I want to know what to do about CoyoteBot. terdon did not like it in the General Room or Ubuntu ...
1 vote
0 answers

Ctrl+click combination doesn't work with the Ask Ubuntu search results in QupZilla

Why the Ctrl+click combination doesn't work over the search results of posts or Q&A links in AskUbuntu? It works for the highlighted links on the right side panel but not for the search results, ...
1 vote
0 answers

Please don't mark as dupe without reading the full question!

I saw this in review: That is not a dupe of the suggested question, because the OP's specific question is not answered: Can Ubuntu install successfully to ...
1 vote
0 answers

I would need your disk and ROM dumps for a good answer to your question

Can someone give me a heads up how to better respond to seemingly far to broad questions which might be solvable by observing an issue first hand and with the consent and trust of a user to not do ...
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0 answers

Being able to see deleted answers

I've seen in the past questions on the meta dealing with case specific problems that have been very intriguing, yet to find out that the linked question had been deleted resulting in the "Page not ...
1 vote
0 answers

Unable to edit other posts

I have been reviewing other posts for some time. But after a certain number of edits I am no longer able to edit any further post. Why is it so?
1 vote
0 answers

Posting useful online content from non Stack Exchange site to askubuntu

If I see some very useful post regarding Ubuntu on some non Stack Exchange site, is it alright to modify it to make it more relevant and then post it here?
1 vote
0 answers

Are questions about the development status of third-party programs on-topic?

The title probably isn't the best summary of my question, so don't let it hold too much weight. Recently, this question about whether or not Krusader was still being developed was asked: https://...

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