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Unanswered Questions

329 questions with no answers
2 votes
0 answers

Why is this question off-topic?

This question is from a user who is struggling using the android debugger tools on Ubuntu. Why is this off-topic? This isn't an android problem, this is a "how to do x on Ubuntu" problem where "x" ...
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0 answers

"This post is deleted and cannot be edited." text on a totally blank page

I have an error to report. Today, I have started for the first time to review other users' questions and answers. So the error I am talking about never happened to me and I don't know if it was ...
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0 answers

'Impact' field on new user profile

Since the user profile page has been redesigned, and very nice it is too, there is now an item of data named 'Impact'. On my own profile, this has a value of "~2k people reached". What does "Impact" ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can I ask a for a "technical quality control" on answers of mine? Where do I ask for that?

I've received 2 downvotes on this answer of mine. None of the two users who casted the downvote bothered to explain why they downvoted it. You can judge this better than me, but the answer is in my ...
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0 answers

Why do we have [updates]?

Updates can happen in almost any piece of software. Update this database (engine) or this database (entry). Update the (package) list or update the (file) list. It has very well-defined meaning but ...
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0 answers

Installation tag Cleanup

According to figures as of October 19, 2014, there are almost 9400 questions tagged as installation. I propose that we have a month-long cleanup event where all of these questions are sorted either ...
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0 answers

Can't find the canonical question for a duplicate

I came across this question about dual-booting and windows not being recognized by Grub, which I'm fairly certain is a duplicate question, but I can't seem to find the canonical question that actually ...
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0 answers

Do we need to merge or close Q's on how to install league of legends?

There are a lot of Q/A's on how to Install League Of Legends, most are outdated. I wrote an Article:League of Legends under Ubuntu, i can post it on AU, but are how to install lol Q's on-topic here. ...
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0 answers

AskUbuntu email notification not working

I had had my AskUbuntu profile's email setting set to "notify me every three hours" for unread AskUbuntu email messages but never received any notifications about email messages that have been ...
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0 answers

Merge [picasa] into [google-picasa]

There are two tags for Picasa by Google, there should be one, preferably [google-picasa], since people interested in all sorts of Google software can follow them easily using [google*].
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0 answers

Can anyone explain me how is this a duplicate?

Ubuntu Touchscreen on Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro Does anyone have any experience with Ubuntu running on the Yoga 2 Pro in terms of the functionality of the touchscreen? I really, really, don't see how this ...
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0 answers

Lets remove the tools, crash, freeze, timeout and troubleshooting tags the right way™

Well, this is not your run off the mill tag removal request, but a petition to also close the questions with these tags. Questions tagged with such tags tend to be totally worthless, unclear and ...
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0 answers

Can I search for my draft answers?

I googled to know how to get my draft answers. But I couldn't find a way. I know I can find my draft if I know the question. In my case I don't remember the question. Any idea?
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0 answers

The plethora of power management tags - what to do?

We have a large number of power management related tags: power-management suspend standby hibernate There is also tag shutdown which is used in conjunction with power management but should be ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why is this question (install Sony Xperia kernel dev) marked as a duplicate?

I asked this question with a link to that answer which I used to install the Android SDK. My question, however, asks about the kernel sources for Sony Xperia ZR, as it can be downloaded from the Sony ...

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