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Unanswered Questions

33 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why are we marking these UEFI questions as duplicates of the wrong question?

I see many, many questions written by users having trouble installing Ubuntu in a dual-boot configuration on their UEFI-enabled PC, that are being marked as duplicates of Installing Ubuntu Alongside a ...
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0 answers

Can questions be considered duplicates if no answer is applicable to both?

I asked a question about verifying integrity of sources. It got closed as duplicate as duplicate of a similar but different question. The other question was not about how to verify the integrity, but ...
0 votes
0 answers

Have the review audits got cranked up again?

Not intended as a complaint, but it looks like there are "continuously" adjustments made to the review system - I noticed a higher frequency lately - Just now I got 2 audits for 8 reviews in "...

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