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Unanswered Questions

144 questions with no answers
6 votes
0 answers

Nothing to review? What gives?

This UTC morning I looked at the reviews page and saw about 100 Close Votes to review and nothing else. Thinking this was slightly odd, I nonetheless reviewed 20 close-voted questions in the queue, ...
6 votes
0 answers

The yellow "question has been deleted" bar is underneath the Ubuntu navbar when scrolling

When scrolling down, the "this question has been deleted" bar is partially hidden under the Ubuntu navigation bar: I think the z-index ordering should be done in such a way that the yellow popup bar ...
6 votes
0 answers

Bug: UbuntuRegular Font (used on this site) messed up at 12 & 13px

This site,, uses the "UbuntuRegular" font. Sometimes the font size is 14px, which displays fine, but in the "comments" (& perhaps other places), the font size is 13px, which cuts off ...
6 votes
0 answers

duplicate question review management

When you click on the close button on a question and select duplicate you can then search for a question and get a result list. If you select a question that is on hold/closed for being a duplicate ...
6 votes
0 answers

Edit approved by no-one?

Consider this approved edit (edit by me): Why is reviewer field blank? Who really approved the edit? This only occurs on that particular review and ...
6 votes
0 answers

Ask Ubuntu meta page title says just "Ubuntu Meta" and another title issue

If one looks at the title of any page on AU Meta, then will see that the title is: [Page title] - Ubuntu Meta - Stack Exchange when IMO it should say "Ask Ubuntu Meta". Even worse, on the ask page,...
6 votes
0 answers

Suggested edits count includes a user's own tag wiki edits

In review, I'm told there are 3 suggested edits for me to approve/reject/improve: (These images are from the old review system; the new system's interface is different but this still seems to occur.) ...
6 votes
0 answers

Visited links on Meta are hard to see

Maybe it is just my vision but I can't distinguish visited links in question/answer text from the surrounding text on Ubuntu Meta. I can see the links on the parent fine and I can see unvisited links ...
5 votes
0 answers

Would it be useful to allow Meta duplicates after a certain amount of time?

Regarding the main Ask Ubuntu site, there are two Meta questions here that I found that mention "time" and "duplicates": Primarily: Would it be useful to allow duplicates after x ...
5 votes
0 answers

BUG : Unanswered questions?

Hello Today I was browsing through all the questions... I was seeing and almost all the questions were answered. So I selected the "unanswered category" of questions. By default, sort by ...
5 votes
0 answers

Flagged a question before I saw it in First Posts review queue. I cannot click "I'm Done"

The question which I'm referring to in the title is this: Error : If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and correct these errors, the partition will be used as is I flagged this question 2 ...
5 votes
0 answers

Profile images from Facebook don't always show up

See, for example, this new user: On both their posts and their profile, I cannot see an image. If I try to view the image directly, I get this ...
5 votes
0 answers

Words seem to be missing in "Share a link to this question..." message

Right above the Answer box, we have the Share a link to this question message. This is how I see it: I'm using Firefox Quantom with uBlock.
5 votes
0 answers

The review menu opens and immediately springs closed if clicked when logged out

I had a tab open in Firefox from when I was logged in. Not realizing I had been logged out of the site, I clicked the review icon in the top bar. The menu that would ordinarily show me the review ...
5 votes
0 answers

Unpublished questions written on mobile site not showing on desktop site

When I write questions on the mobile Ask Ubuntu site but leave them unpublished, the question is saved on the mobile site, but I can't access it from the desktop site. I can access it on another ...

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