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Unanswered Questions

38 questions with no answers
11 votes
0 answers

would be possible to change the layout of suggested questions?

I find the layout of the "Questions that may already have your answer" a bit confusing. I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to restyle it a bit. This is the current layout with my notes: This ...
10 votes
0 answers

Ubuntu bold font not imported

The Issue Recently I noticed something odd: when booting into OS X and visiting Ask Ubuntu, bold fonts render oddly. I've only noticed this in Chrome; in Firefox and Safari, the bold font renders ...
8 votes
0 answers

Glitch on profile page with dropdowns

The next privilege button on the profile page shows through the three drop-downs on the top. I tend to start my browsing at this page then check my inbox so I see it every visit. Chrome&Firefox
7 votes
0 answers

Bug with code of conduct notification

Not sure if this is related to the new theme that's being worked on or not, but:
7 votes
0 answers

Why user is able to edit comments in multiple textareas in the same time?

By accident I have clicked edit link on comment twice. After first click I have textarea for editing it (it is normal and expected behavior). But on second and third click on edit I get garbage: ...
7 votes
0 answers

Hover state colour for the "Ask a Question" button in the tour is broken

This happens on Chrome 46:
7 votes
0 answers

Underline on new reputation graph looks weird

This is what I see when hovering my reputation graph in the new profile page: Can the underline please be removed?
7 votes
0 answers

Little Bug with layer order on askubuntu

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but i recently found a little rendering bug on this site. It's a problem of the z-index and the order of layers. Note: the red notification box was ...
6 votes
0 answers

Yearling badge awarded multiple times today

I'm getting some odd behavior on the site today, it's awarded me the yearling badge 5 times over and keeps doing so every hour or so, perhaps in response to some actions I'm taking, but I can't tell ...
6 votes
0 answers

The yellow "question has been deleted" bar is underneath the Ubuntu navbar when scrolling

When scrolling down, the "this question has been deleted" bar is partially hidden under the Ubuntu navigation bar: I think the z-index ordering should be done in such a way that the yellow popup bar ...
6 votes
0 answers

Bug: UbuntuRegular Font (used on this site) messed up at 12 & 13px

This site,, uses the "UbuntuRegular" font. Sometimes the font size is 14px, which displays fine, but in the "comments" (& perhaps other places), the font size is 13px, which cuts off ...
6 votes
0 answers

Keyboard tags could use some love

Some of us have been asking for something nicer for the <kbd> tag. Jin mentioned maybe polishing them up to make questions like this look nicer, just documenting that here. (Also note, I love ...
6 votes
0 answers

Visited links on Meta are hard to see

Maybe it is just my vision but I can't distinguish visited links in question/answer text from the surrounding text on Ubuntu Meta. I can see the links on the parent fine and I can see unvisited links ...
5 votes
0 answers

Menu bar is covering the Deletion pop-up

The "Recommend Deletion" pop-up is not fully visible. Yes, this is a minor bug, but it looks clean it this is fixed.
5 votes
0 answers

The Canonical navigation bar has diverged from the canon

Possibly due to the recent CSS refactoring, the pseudo-Canonical navigation bar no longer matches the top bar of sites. Here is how they compare in my Chrome (Windows): AU bar Canonical ...

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