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Unanswered Questions

626 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
14 votes
0 answers

Remove the (mv-command) tag as all questions got edited to be tagged with (mv) instead

There are the tags mv and mv-command. UPDATE: Please do not make mv-command a synonym of mv, but just delete it. As suggested by @Braiam, I edited all 9 questions tagged with mv-command and removed ...
4 votes
0 answers

isanswered:0 in searches returns both questions and answers, and answers include either wiki or non-wiki accepted or positively scored answers

From How do I search? - Help Center: isanswered: yes/true/1 returns only questions that have at least one accepted or positively-scored answer; no/false/0 returns only questions with no accepted or ...
2 votes
0 answers

'Impact' field on new user profile

Since the user profile page has been redesigned, and very nice it is too, there is now an item of data named 'Impact'. On my own profile, this has a value of "~2k people reached". What does "Impact" ...
5 votes
0 answers

Mention multiple users

I know that in comment the number of mentions (@user) is limited to one (in addition to the OP). But in some cases, as in How do I prevent one user in particular from accessing my home directory?, I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can I ask a for a "technical quality control" on answers of mine? Where do I ask for that?

I've received 2 downvotes on this answer of mine. None of the two users who casted the downvote bothered to explain why they downvoted it. You can judge this better than me, but the answer is in my ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is this the type of question we want to be answering here?

I stumbled across this question today and afterward noticed that the phrase "Be nice" no longer seems to appear in the code of conduct. This seems to be a rather mean and spiteful trick to play on ...
5 votes
0 answers

Should voting to close a correctly closed question for the right reason really be considered failure?

I encountered this review audit. To test me, the review item told me the question had received close votes as primarily opinion-based. This was obviously wrong, which I recognized quickly, but I saw a ...
1 vote
1 answer

50 Reputation on comments is too much? Add new function to suggest?

I have low reputation as you see. And the problem i see with this is, that when i try to troubleshoot someone's question that requires some active or continuous communication, or a suggestion like "...
1 vote
0 answers

How to access askubuntu meta data for programmatic statistical analysis?

I wanted to conduct some statistical analysis on certain dimensions relevant to the development of the site and was wondering how to access data in order to construct a data set for that. For example, ...
2 votes
0 answers

Why is the newsletter subscription link hard to find?

I think the process to subscribe for the newsletter is tedious. From what i have done you need to go to your user's page, preferences, manage newsletter subscription.... However there is an occasional ...
0 votes
0 answers

Top answers are still sub-optimal on questions about MTP devices

I already noticed that Luis alone marked the following question as a duplicate some time ago: My MTP capable device is not detected? What can I do about that? Here is my observation on the topic: ...
1 vote
0 answers

Reviewer Consequences

Do reviewers suffer consequences if they exercise poor judgement in their task of reviewing posts? I refer particularly to 'robot' style reviews where the reviewer appears to give little care to the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Why isn't career 2.0 available for askubuntu users, why only for stackoverflow users?

Askubuntu is wholly and solely community dedicated to Ubuntu, why doesn't it provide career options in its field to reputed users like stackoverflow. It would be great if we have website as http://...
2 votes
0 answers

CAPTCHA has no submit button

I took a long time to compose my post, and was prompted by a house-number captcha. Easy. Then I was re-prompted to copy&paste some code into a text box ... but there's no way to submit that form! ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why I am not receiving notifications in my "recent inbox messages"?

Not talking about e-mail notifications or so. I answered a question today (why is "export PATH" displayed in terminal as a title?), I was wondering if I could place a bounty on it right now, ...

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