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13 votes

Suggestions to limit the large amount of unanswered questions?

You have some good points here but also a couple of misunderstandings on how the site works. With regards to the 15 questions per page, at the bottom of every page you can select if you want 15, 30 ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.7k
11 votes

Set a Watch for an interesting question

If you click on that symbol seen in the screen-shot marked by that arrow this will mark a question as favorite, which you can then see in your profile under favorites, and it even shows you by a blue ...
Videonauth's user avatar
  • 33.5k
11 votes

What to do with obsolete question?

Such questions normally get closed as not reproducible with the following reason statement: This describes a problem that can't be reproduced that seemingly went away on its own or was only ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
9 votes

Why are so many answers posted as comments?

Most of times either they are half-hearted answers or they are written by questioner or there is lack of communication between questioner and commentator. Talking about my personal experience there ...
Kulfy's user avatar
  • 17.9k
6 votes

What is a good way to encourage askers to accept an answer?

If you really, really want to, and the OP has posted something indicating they've seen and appreciate the answer, you can add a comment along these lines: If one of the answers here solved your issue,...
terdon's user avatar
  • 102k
6 votes

How to transfer a question through Stack Exchange Communities

Transferring posts between communities is a lot more... complex... than you'd think. Firstly, unless there's migration paths opened already (which there are not for the 'community' to use to move ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 76.3k
5 votes

Delete unanswered questions when user no longer exist?

The Idea Stack Exchange is not a help desk. Questions and their answers are supposed to be helpful for (potentially) everybody, not just the one person asking them. Deleting a worthwhile question, ...
David Foerster's user avatar
5 votes

Me-too post? Or partial answer?

I would like to note that the post in question has been edited (and deleted), and I think Elder Geek's answer may be more directed towards the latest revision than the one that was current when this ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.2k
4 votes

Why I cannot answer some questions in (no answer-field)?

As the page says in the bottom, you must earn 10 reputation points before you can answer such a question. This measure is usually put on questions which got many answers in the past that were later ...
Melebius's user avatar
  • 11.6k
4 votes

Why is there a staggering amount of unanswered microphone-related questions using ubuntu 20.04?

It's probably due to these factors: There are more and more people working from home, due to Covid-19, and they are taking more remote calls Maybe there are more Ubuntu users generally Ubuntu's ...
Flimm's user avatar
  • 42.7k
1 vote

Why are so many answers posted as comments?

If the comment turns out to be a valuable answer I will ask the contributor to post it as an answer and let them know that, upon them doing so, I will up-vote and mark correct. It seems to work ...
Not a machine's user avatar
1 vote

Me-too post? Or partial answer?

When I posted this, This was a partial answer. And yes, it would likely have been better as a new question. Be that as it may, The aforementioned post clearly shows a commitment to improve it as the ...
Elder Geek's user avatar
  • 36.2k

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