6 votes

Can we [safely] remove this tag?

I have removed the last of the tags today; it was raining and cold outside so a perfect day for some tag housekeeping :). The tag should vanish after 24 hours of non-use but if it is created again we ...
andrew.46's user avatar
  • 38.1k
4 votes

Should the [purchase] tag be burninated?

It was a rainy day so I have manually removed all of the tag from across Ask Ubuntu. My apologies to the front page which I spammed pretty solidly :). With the tag deleted in this way there should be ...
andrew.46's user avatar
  • 38.1k
4 votes

Should this tag be put into [storage]? Or not?

I don't think that it's a bad tag. Being generic is not necessarily a bad thing and not enough reason to remove it. The fact that there are other tags that may be more specific is also not a good ...
BeastOfCaerbannog's user avatar
4 votes

Should we put [wallpaper] to the [background] (or vice-versa)?

Let us make the main tag desktop-background so as to be as unambiguous as possible, and let background and wallpaper be synonyms of that.
Zanna's user avatar
  • 70.5k
2 votes

Do we support [language-support]?

A small community consensus but nevertheless a consensus. So: I have merged language into language-support Subsequently I have created language as a synonym for language-support Perhaps a little ...
andrew.46's user avatar
  • 38.1k
2 votes

Can we fix this tag or should we just [uninstall]?

Since uninstalling software can be broadly considered as part of software installation, I propose that we make both software-uninstall and uninstall tags synonyms of the software-installation tag. ...
BeastOfCaerbannog's user avatar

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