23 votes

Let's NOT participate in the one-rep voting experiment

I assumed this was opt in, so the default would be for us to not be in it, but if isn't, I'd agree, we shouldn't be in it. Ask Ubuntu is a top-5 Stack Exchange site in terms of registered users (№ 3!),...
muru's user avatar
  • 198k
17 votes

Homepage spammed

You have 101 reputation on AU, which was obtained for being a trusted user on other SE sites. You clearly don't even use AU, so why are you posting about this here? How can you claim to have knowledge ...
Nmath's user avatar
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7 votes

Let's NOT participate in the one-rep voting experiment

Just a counterpoint, consider the type of traffic we get. Ask Ubuntu is a technical site, making us somewhat less sticky than the er, deductive science sites. A lot of our traffic follows this pattern:...
Oli's user avatar
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1 vote

Let's NOT participate in the one-rep voting experiment

At the risk of just so many downvotes, I'd like to share my experience as a new user. I have posted one question on the forum. Within about 2 hours I got an answer. Unfortunately, it was just a "...
UNREDACTED's user avatar

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