13 votes

AI-generated content is not permitted on Ask Ubuntu

I am fine with this. To date, the times I have asked ChatGPT for code or linux help, it's been wrong. The whole point of AU and SE in general is learning and helping other. Perhaps the should start a &...
TheMadMick's user avatar
9 votes

Let's organize some chat workshops

As @Zanna mentioned, I would like to arrange a session on using Docker Engine (Community Edition) on home servers. I imagine the following agenda for the session(s): Introduction to and installing ...
Artur Meinild's user avatar
6 votes

Let's organize some chat workshops

I could do a session on setting up zigbee2mqtt + homeassistant in Docker if there's any interest in that. Would be a good and natural follow up to Arthur Meinild's Docker presentation :) Setting up ...
vidarlo's user avatar
  • 22.7k
4 votes

AI-generated content is not permitted on Ask Ubuntu

Basically I concur. ChatGPT has been proven to be unreliable, thus a ban is justified. However I've tested some code writing and was surprised that it worked. I just wonder how we want to figure out ...
kanehekili's user avatar
  • 6,437
3 votes

AI-generated content is not permitted on Ask Ubuntu

This is sensible. Users still have the option to ask ChatGPT or another LLM themselves if they wish to. However, on a platform where every answer has a person's name attached to it, users should be ...
John Leuenhagen's user avatar
2 votes

AI-generated content is not permitted on Ask Ubuntu

AI is dangerous and this rule helps bring it to light. If everyone comes to depend on AI solutions, then the reason to learn and learning would cease. It would cause mankind to give up independence, ...
Nishnabe's user avatar
  • 389

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible