4 votes

Is there any way to block a question to be used as a duplicate

We already implemented tag warnings to make people provide that information: Tag Warning Is Now Live for "Wireless". If people still don't provide it, then I'm OK with using duplicate close ...
muru's user avatar
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Suggestion for "high-level-assembly" tag

In cases like these we usually wait to create a new tag until the topic has more traction on this site. Currently there is only one question about HLA at Ask Ubuntu. By contrast there are 75 questions ...
karel's user avatar
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Why doesn't StackExchange editor support auto synced source and result?

The simple answer is "nobody wrote code to do that for SE". However, if that's something you'd like or would find useful, you could use an IDE such as Visual Studio Code that supports that ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Can a warning be implemented when the "Pending Edit Queue" is full?

I think you misunderstood the message. It's not the Suggested edits queue that is full, which in fact has only 5 suggested edits at the moment. It's that you, as a user with less than 2000 reputation ...
BeastOfCaerbannog's user avatar

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