Hi everyone,

I'd like to flesh out how we run [tag:ubuntu-one] a little bit better so we don't collide. First, some background. The Ubuntu One team at Canonical [uses Ask Ubuntu][1] as a place where they send users to get community support (and they participate heavily in their tag).

On top of that, they put a cool button on the U1 control panel to send people here if they have questions: 

![enter image description here][2]

Unfortunately sometimes users will use Ask Ubuntu [as a fancy ticket system][3] instead of just asking questions. 

I am concerned that these will get closed before someone on the U1 team has a chance to look at it. I had a chat with Chipaca (the team lead) so I am proposing this for those of  us with vote-to-close/edit powers:

 - We be careful about closing [tag:ubuntu-one] questions too quickly. For example a user asks question on Friday night and maybe someone on the team won't be able to get to it until Monday kind of things.

 - If the question is a support question that doesn't belong here, the U1 team makes contact with the person, gets them in the proper support channel and then **flags the question for deletion** so that we only keep questions that are useful for people instead of cries for help

So tl;dr is "yes, we know that question might be offtopic, but let's make sure the user has a place to go first and THEN close/delete."

Did I miss anything?

  [1]: http://voices.canonical.com/ubuntuone/?p=664
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/p9cBD.png
  [3]: https://askubuntu.com/questions/25227/how-to-recover-work-lost-due-to-an-ubuntu-one-sync-error