I'm not a moderator on Ask Ubuntu, but I am a moderator over on [Community Building](http://communitybuilding.stackexchange.com/). I'm also the moderator that suspended you for an hour earlier today. 

I suspended you because of your behavior in the [Charcoal HQ](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11540/charcoal-hq) chat room. In the past 48 hours, in that room alone, you've been asked repeatedly by network moderators, room owners and room regulars to keep the conversation on topic. Instead, you've spammed the room and ignored everyone so that you could get privileges to Smoke Detector. You then lost that access within hours for further bad behavior and returned to spamming the room. 

Chat rooms are not your personal playground. Stack Exchange is not definately not where you should be posting stuff like [this](https://i.sstatic.net/vE8t8.png) or telling others what racist terms mean. Quiet frankly, you needed a time out. I gave you one for an hour. I also mentioned that

> [[Y]ou've been asked by multiple users to respect the room topic and you have not. When you return, do so](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/29798749#29798749)

I'm sorry to say that based on your more recent behavior, you didn't follow that bit of advice. 


The post of the suspension is to help you realize that something needs to change. Look at everything you've been told. Look at your behavior, the advice you've been provided and the answers to this question. That type of behavior needs to stop. Now.