The best way to "elevate" an unanswered question is to help improve it.

 - Make sure it has the right tags, so it shows up to subscribers of those tags.
 - Make sure it has the right keywords and phrases so it shows up in searches.
 - If output or additional detail or troubleshooting tests have been requested but not provided, help provide it.
   "I have the exact same issue, and my output is...."
 - If the question is clear but poorly written, offer a suggested edit (rewrite) for the community to review.

After you edit an unanswered question, it pops to the top of the Home page and gets immediate visibility by a lot of the volunteers here. It will, of course, slowly start working its way downhill as other edits and posts grab that coveted top position.

DON'T hijack a question into something different with your edits. Make sure you are really *improving* the original question, and helping to make it answerable.

DON'T make trivial changes to a Question just to keep recycling it to the top. Trying to game the system will quickly attract the ire of a Moderator. 

Also, the answer you need might be in AskUbuntu already...but attached to a question that is differently worded, misspelled, or have the wrong tags. A few minutes trying to outwit the Search box with different terms and permutations might payoff handsomely. If you strike gold and find a great answer to a poorly-written question, please help improve that question so others can find it without suffering.