Firstly, no "automated response" is sent by Stack Exchange when you submit tickets in the contact page. [This][1] was said by [Grace Note][2] (a Stack Exchange employee): > When you reach out through Contact Us, [you receive the following confirmation message][3]. Sending a followup email that just echoes that seems redundant and not particularly any more convincing. ---------- > I suspect this is broken. Can someone look into this please? Did you see something like this after pressing submit: [![enter image description here][3]][3] If you did see something like this, it is not broken :) ---------- > After three weeks, there is no indication that anyone is even looking into this issue. Perhaps this is the wrong place to post this? If so, where would be a better place to post this? [The users of Ask Ubuntu][4] and [the moderators of Ask Ubuntu][5] cannot answer your question because we do not have access to the things which you have sent to Stack Exchange through [the contact page][6]. Only Stack Exchange staff have access to it. Yup, it is the wrong place to post this. Maybe you can post this in Meta Stack Exchange, but I am not 100% sure. ---------- > It is now five weeks after I asked this question and there is NO response. Is there anyone who actually READS this forum? Is there a different place I should ask this question? Perhaps "Ask Ubuntu Meta Meta" exists? I am sorry for the late response. Generally, the users of Ask Ubuntu or the moderators of Ask Ubuntu post an answer or add a comment in meta posts as soon as possible. Maybe they missed your post or did not know what to say to you. There is no "*Ask Ubuntu Meta Meta*". You can try to talk to [Community Manager][7]s in chatrooms. [They][8] are mostly there in [Meta Stack Exchange chatrooms][9]. But there's no guarantee that they will reply to you. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: