The announcer badge tracks unique IP addresses following *your **share** link*.  If people are not following the link then people are not going to get the badge.

![enter image description here][1]

The share link on this question (for example) gives me:
which is made up of a few parts:
                            ^    ^ My user ID
                            +-- The question ID

Somewhere, in the DBs of stack exchange there is a table that looks roughly like:
User ID
Question ID
IP address

Every time someone follows the shared link a new row is added to the table (if possible - duplicate rows aren't added).  When the there are 25 rows for a given `User ID / Question ID` combo, the announcer badge is awarded.

Furthermore, these scripts are not run constantly.  See MSO [How long does it take for badges to be awarded? How are they generated?]( so even if you know the 25th person clicked your link *now*, it may take a day or more to get the badge.

Sharing post that someone else got an announcer for does not mean that you will get the announcer too.  Sharing currently high view questions doesn't mean yuo will get the announcer either. This is entirely dependent on individual people clicking through the link that you provided them with your user id in it.
