So what I see a lot of is people who will format a question as follows >Hello i am having an issue with ***question/problem***<br> >...<br> >***Insert question/issue here***<br> >...<br> >PLEASE HELP I CANT USE MY COMPUTER. PLEASE HELP ME. Thanks, ***insert name here*** Now yes, that is a little over exaggerated, but in some cases users may ask questions very similar to that. The question/discussion I have/want to have is where the line is drawn between common courtesy, and "excess noise" in a question. I get people adding small globs at the beginning and end like for example "Hello," "Thanks," and ***maybe*** if it is in their interest, their name. There have been a group of people going around and basically destroying the last of this sanity. If we just rid the questions of all except the question itself, although making it more simpler, may also change the original tone that the author/asker wanted to have. ***Your thoughts?***