I am a stark believer in knowledge is power as I've [carried](http://meta.askubuntu.com/a/2247/41) on [about before](http://meta.askubuntu.com/a/1411/41). However, I'm not lawyer and I can't say for certain, in fact I don't think many of us can say for certain if this violates DMCA. I* *don't* think it violates any laws, much like posting questions about "Sniffing WiFi passwords", or the formula for Crystal Methamphetamine, Pipe Bombs, and other such topics which exist on the the internet, but aren't illegal. The information isn't what's illegal, it's the act of doing so, and that's up to the user if they wish to execute it or not.

With proper warnings of "use best judgement" and "this is illegal in some countries" should suffice prior to the information being posted.

`*` I am not a lawyer, or providing any legal council as to the legitimacy of this claim. It is my belief and does not necessarily represent the views of Stack Exchange, or Stack Overflow.