A million years ago (in Internet years), [Jeff put a tag blacklist in place](http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/985/blacklist-the-linux-tag#comment2478_987) to stop people tagging things with `linux` or `unix`. Probably makes sense but I think his regex was bum: ^linux|unix$ I suspect (though it's been a while since I've meddled with .NET regexes) that it's interpreted as: > begins with `linux` *or* ends with `unix` [Regex Storm agrees with my interpretation][1]. Again, I don't think this was the original aim here. Why is this a problem? Well I've just tried to tag something as `linux-headers` (a real package in Ubuntu) and a pretty important one if you're compiling stuff against the kernel. Of course there are flowery alternative I could pick (or create), but I just don't see why this is blocked. TL;DR: I think we need the regex updating to: ^(linux|unix)$ [1]: http://regexstorm.net/tester?p=%5Elinux%7Cunix%24&i=linux-headers%0D%0Alinux%0D%0Anot-linux%0D%0Aunix-sucks%0D%0A&o=im