Isn't it time to get rid of [this answer]( and enforce the policy of closing [Windows questions](, [here](, [here](, ... as off-topic?

I'd rather leave a comment *"We're sorry, but this site is all about Ubuntu and the **people here are very good at dual-booting and removing Windows**, but not very good at getting it back once it was removed...  However, on, a sister site to Ask Ubuntu, they're very good at deleting Ubuntu and installing Windows, so you might be better off there.  **;-)**"* and close the question as off-topic.

If it means me closing all the answers that link [there]( as off-topic, give me some moderator tools for a week and I'll happily do it for you!

<sub>Being slightly cross with all the Windows questions here on Ask Ubuntu...**>:-)** So cross that I'm willing to donate from my rep to all the people that would lose rep by deleting that question.</sub>