Commenting is a privilege you earn by using the site. When you reach 50 Reputation, you earn the privilege called *Comment Everywhere*: - From the [**Privilege description**]( > How do I comment? Click the add > comment link under each post. Comments > cannot be multi-line, so simply press > enter to submit your comment. > > Note that comments support a small > subset of Markdown, so you can do > things like _italic_ and **bold** and > [named hyperlinks]( - Note: you can always comment on every part of _your own question_, even at 1 reputation. When you comment, the owner of the Post, and - if applicable - the person that's mentioned in the comment (i.e. '@Stefano') is notified via their Global Inbox. If you are asking a question, and you want to add additional information, it's better to **edit the question** rather than commenting on it. This way, you'll avoid long threads of conversation, which this site really isn't designed for. If you want to learn more about using the site, we have some brilliant [**Video Tutorials**](